#OccupyTheCourts Gets Tense in Washington D.C.

  1. Corporations Are Not People – End Corporate Personhood – Occupy The Courts
  2. Today is the day of #OccupytheCourts! We the People must expel the influence of big money from our elections. We must evict corporate persons from Washington and occupy our democracy. Stand up and join fellow Americans (real people flesh and bones!) at a federal courthouse near you today.
  3. In Denver:
  4. In Portland:
  5. RT @pamhogeweide: #occupythecourts @OccupyPdx #opdx ppl are SO ready to MARCH and speak with our feet! CORPORATIONS are NOT People! #MovetoAmend
  6. And in Washington D.C.:
  7. RT @TheOther99: BREAKING: #J20 protesters erupt in cheers as they run up the Supreme Court steps past Police.. #J20 #OccupytheCourts #OWS
  8. Protesters Rush Steps of US Supreme Court
  9. TENT MONSTER? RT @aubreyjwhelan: There is a protester here legitimately wearing a tent. #occupydc
  10. The mood changes soon, however.
  11. RT @NinaNerdFace: Two undercovers punched protesters which started all this. We have pics. We can haz dox? #occupydc #occupythecourts
  12. Cops have protesters pinned to the ground at #SupremeCourt and are issuing arrests. Reports of 4 arrested so far #occupythecourts
  13. Supreme Court Police violence
  14. Police brutality, Arrests, Undercovers Unmasked outside SCOTUS
  15. RT @vtknitboy: RT @sickjew: High-res photos being taken of plainclothes cops for future reference #ows #j20 #occupythecourts (live at ustre.am/EqY3)
  16. So I get to say I danced with a riot cop today. He held my elbow as I walked backwards down the steps bc the guy behind me wouldn’t move
  17. RT @KyleGrainger: RT @NBCNews: Supreme Court says 13 people were arrested today during #OccupyTheCourts demonstration.

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